I have always been interested in personal growth. We talk about how important growth is and that we should seek to promote our own growth in various areas of our lives. Growing makes life more interesting and fulfilling.
So here is one way I have used all my adult life to help me grow. Maybe it will help you, too.
It is called THE TEN SCALE.
We tend to think of growth as "either/or" Either I am patient or not. Either I am a good student or not. Either I am spiritual or not. Either I am happy or not. Either I am a good public speaker or not.
You see the list of possibilities is endless.
But how many of us are either one thing or the other? How many are strong or not? How many are good spellers or not? How many are successful at a sport or music or in a career OR NOT? Just does not match my experience at all.
Here is what DOES make sense to me. I measure EVERYTHING by using the ten scale. I have taught this to my children, missionaries when I was mission president, my students when I was a University professor and my clients as a psychologist. And I HAVE ALWAYS USED IT MYSELF TO HELP MYSELF GROW.
Examples: If I were to rate myself (using the ten scale) on...let's say being a good listener. I would give myself a score of about 7. That is pretty good actually. Ten is not the objective...too perfect. Trying to reach perfection on something is for perfectionists and they usually are unhappy and frustrated. If you can get to 8 or 9 on the ten scale that is about as good as it gets. So my self rating of 7 is a good one. To TEST my own self evaluation I can ask several other people to rate me on that characteristic. So I ask my wife and some of my adult children to rate me and they say " 5, 6, 4 and 8" Several think I am not as good as I think I am and one thinks I am a bit better. THAT IS VERY GOOD FEEDBACK. SEEK FEEDBACK. DON'T BE AFRAID OF FEEDBACK!!
Let's do two more so you get the idea a little better. Let's do a skill like playing a sport--baseball or soccer, for example. What is your self rating on playing soccer? You give yourself a 6 and three others on your team all rate you an 8. You ask them why and you learn you are too self critical and are a little better than you thought you were.
Last one. Public speaking. Most people are afraid of it. So you rate yourself a 3. You think you are terrible!! Your teacher in school gives you a 4, your mom a 5 and your brother gives you a 2. So you are probably somewhere between pretty bad and average. Good information. Before you can progress you need to know where you are now. So you do a self rating and then ask a few people who know you well enough to also rate you. You try to honestly put it all together and get an accurate idea of where you are.
THEN WHAT? HOW DO YOU GROW ONCE YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE ON ANY GIVEN PERSONAL CHARACTERISTIC OR SKILL? If you are at 4 or the ten scale on whichever characteristic you are measuring (it can literally be ANYTHING you are interested in measuring) your next step is to SET A NEW GOAL. So you DO NOT WANT TO GO FOR TEN IMMEDIATELY. If you are at 4 you might want to shoot for getting to 6 on the ten scale. So you need to IDENTIFY A PLAN FOR PROGRESSING. If you are 4 on a ten scale in public speaking you might sit down with a teacher or someone good at it and ask them to suggest two or three things you can practice so that your self evaluation and their evaluation of you improves to 6. Then you practice, practice, practice. After that you give another speech and have your teacher or someone good at public speaking evaluate your progress. You give yourself a 5 and the two of them give you a 5 and a 6. That tells you that practice is helping and you are making progress.
You will want to keep practicing to solidify your progress at the level dof 6. Then you might ask those same people to suggest more things you can practice in order to get to 8. Then you do what? PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. You give another speech and ask them to evaluate you again using the ten scale. They say you are now at an average of 7. You have gone from 4 to 7 in whatever period of time you have been practicing. You did several things: you did a self evaluation (and an evaluation of your skill by others), you set a plan, you practiced a lot, then you did another self evaluation and received an evaluation from the others.
This is a simple growth plan that works on ANY PERSONAL CHARACTERISTIC YOU WANT TO GROW IN. You can do it on getting less angry, more patient, better at basketball, better leader, better at math, better dresser, becoming more of an extrovert and less of an introvert, being kinder, more loving, spending more time with your children, learning a new language, learning more about painting....literally ANYTHING can get better by using THE TEN SCALE AND FEEDBACK AND SELF EVALUATION to measure your progress. Try it...you might like it.
Love it :)