Friday, May 16, 2014


You can think of your life as being a circleIt is YOUR personal life circleYou are in charge of what happens within the circle.  Inside THE circle you will find all the people you care about most...friends, family, co-workers etc.  Here is the question that impacted my life in a very major way....WHAT DO I WANT THESE VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE TO EXPERIENCE BY BEING WITHIN MY CIRCLE?

I decided I want to help them experience two things:  personal value and worth and also a feeling of being loved and cared about.

So it is a very interesting experience to actually draw a circle on a piece of paper (big enough to contain the names of the most important people in your life).....and to then WRITE the names of those very important persons.

Next to each name you will use my famous ten scale and determine how much personal worth/value and then how much love each of those people experiences in their relationship with you.  If the numbers are too low in some cases then your next step is obvious...WHAT DO I DO TO BOOST THAT NUMBER HIGHER?

Want to see an example?  Well, I am not competent enough on computer graphics to draw a big circle here but you can imagine one....then WITHIN that circle I write the names of each of my family, close friends, and others.....

Each person will have TWO numbers after his or her for personal value and worth and one for how loved they feel...

Here are the names of two of my grandchildren:  Claire and Cooper.  For Claire I would put  7 and 8.  For Cooper I would put 6 and 7.

Not bad but good enough?  Am I satisfied with my relationship with Claire and Cooper as I think about those two "inside the circle" characteristics that I want everyone in my circle to experience at 10 on a 10 scale? Admittedly that is very ideal...but you get the idea..I want the numbers to be higher and not lower. Putting those I care about INSIDE MY PERSONAL CIRCLE and trying to offer them a sense of worth and value and a sense of being loved...has helped me to focus and work at the important relationships of my life.  It does not guarantee things will improve as relationships are complex...but it DOES give you a way to try to make a difference as much as you can.

Try it...see where you stand with the important people in your life.  Realize you CAN make a difference in very important ways.

You can also customize a circle for your Primary class....a class you might teach in the public schools, a group you work in your employment, your brothers and sisters.....a team you are on etc.  Any group of people you have  a relationship can GO WITHIN A CIRCLE and you can ask yourself the two important questions listed above for each person within the circle:  how do I help those people feel worth and value and how do I help them feel loved?

So, if you can master that idea and use it can make a real difference in this world with many people in many different relationships you might have with them.  Try will like it.  Have a nice day. Jim

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent!!

    I will draw my circle and try your suggestions!

