Sunday, April 13, 2014

I believe there is no effort more important than whatever we can do to protect, strengthen and guide our families..both the family where we may be the child (regardless of age) or the parent or grandparent.
So, understanding the characteristics of dysfunctional (this word just means "the family does not work right or the way we want it to" or functional families (the opposite: the family DOES work the way we want it to) is important. It helps us to understand more completely and accurately what condition our family is in.

I like the 10 scale because it helps to evaluate each characteristic rather than using "either/or"  Either our family is a patient family or not...well, that is not very helpful as it only gives you two options.  Using a ten scale gives you ten options.  On the patience characteristic what do I think my family is like?  3?  7?   See how that helps you get a more accurate view of that or any other family characteristic?
So I will list below some characteristics of a dysfunctional family and you can use the ten scale to assess where you think your family of origin or your current family stands on each characteristic.  The space after each item is for your ten scale score on each item.  Example:  If you put  an  8 on #20 you are saying what?  8 on a ten scale means that you feel there is a lot of critical/judgmentalness in your family.  If you want to improve that you want to LOWER the number.  Even moving it to a 5 will improve the atmosphere in your home and family a lot.  It is interesting for the mother and father to assess all these separately and then compare their scores.  If you have older children they can also evaluate each one and compare their scores with those of the parents.  You can then have an interesting discussion about how to improve the situation.  I hope you find this helpful in strengthening your family.

1.  Fear and anxiety _____

2. Unpredictable atmosphere (never know what is going to happen next)  _____

3. Love is conditional (you have to earn it)  _____

4. Unpredictable, explosive anger  _____

5. You have to pretend to be something you are not due to fear of the consequences  _____

6.  You hide many things about yourself for fear of what will happen if they are discovered  _____

7.  Difficulty with intimacy or close interpersonal relationships  _____

8. Distrust  _____

9.  Depression _____

10.  Guilt  _____

11.  Use of children to make you look good  _____

12.  low self esteem in family members  _____

13.  Fatalistic attitudes  _____

14.  Family members are "pleasers" to protect themselves  _____

15..Fear of abandonment  _____

16.  Too serious/ difficulty in "having fun"  _____

17.  Irresponsibility in parents and/or family members  _____

18.  Difficulty working together  toward common goals  (lack of unity)  _____

19.  Various "addictions" exist  _____

20.  Critical and judgmental atmosphere  _____

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