Monday, May 26, 2014

"Passion is given both to prophets and to sinners."

I thought about that and came to the conclusion that WHY we use strong emotions is the determining factor in whether they produce good or produce very little of real value.  For example, do I use passion to please myself or do I use it to promote a cause or a good idea that will bless my friends, family, church, company, social club...."?

Is it for ME or for more than just me?  Me is one. More than me is a number bigger than one...could be 7 or 15 or 600 or thousands.

So you can sit in front of the TV and eat popcorn and veg....(sometimes that is a good break so I am not entirely against it) BUT also you could turn off the TV, throw the popcorn out the back door to the birds...(they will be SUPER HAPPY)...and go to your computer and write a message about something you learned that might be of benefit to others..and send it.  Not an ego is a service thing.  It is not about is about THEM.

Turn off your TV and think of someone you know who is sick or lonely.  Just call and chat for ten minutes...I think you will change their day...maybe their week...maybe their life. 
Buy a good book for kids at Deseret Industries or the Dollar Store or at a garage sale....or take it off your bookshelf in your house where it is covered with dust...and go find someone with a child who probably will not get a book to read for a long, long time...and give it to her.

Be PASSIONATE about helping someone in some simple wayPassion is given to regular people filled with compassionate desire to bless others.    Jim MacArthur   Have a nice day.

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